Monday, 12 July 2010
Took train to Alpiglen to do a walk in the shadow of the Eiger so to speak, five hours on a trail, first quite bare and open, later more through forest.

We hadn’t gone far before a waterfall higher up the mountain beckoned us so of course we had to go and take a look.

I insisted to do some rock scrambling to be able to say truthfully that I had climbed on the Eiger.

Near the end of the trail we had to go down some steep inclines and it got more rocky as we got nearer the ravine.

At the end we got to the “gletcherslucht”, we had to pay to get in and I expected some kind of tourist trap but it turned out to be a most impressive walkway along a thundering stream through a narrow ravine.
We then caught the bus back to Grundelwald and from there train back to Interlaken Ost, shop at Coop and back to camp.