Monday, 7 July, 2010
Our worm on the map turned northwards today, it suddenly felt like the end of our trip is near, I suppose that is the case to some extent for the cycle trip in France but there are plenty days left in our holiday. This was the last bit of the Loire before we turned off and no more easy signposts and markers to follow but rather peering at the gps and the map.l

Quite overcast and cool, ideal cycling weather. We had carefully avoided the major routes because it is not much fun having the big trucks whiz past and get blasted by the turbulence. We had taken it a bit far though on a section through the woods, we wanted to experience the Fontainebleau forests and selected an unpaved road, this soon turned into a track and seemed to go on forever and I had visions of going around in circles. Very pretty though.

We made it through though only to find (again!) that our intended camping had been closed and the next available camp was 25 km’s away so no option but to get those legs moving again and try and enjoy the views of the countryside with its farmlands interspersed with forest. As we entered the small town of Malesherbes there was a very confusing sign to the campsite pointing downwards until we figured out it meant that we had to go underneath the railway track. As we entered the lovely camping the gps showed 99 kilometers that day. My suggestion that we go around the block to make up the 100 was not met with great enthusiasm so we left it at that and made supper instead.