Tuesday, 8 June, 2010
It rained a little during the night and there were some spits and spats as we went looking through town for the advertised tourist attractions, well, the chateau was closed and the botanical garden non-existing so we set out to cover the remaining 25 kilometers to Fontainebleau. We had little choice but to follow the main road which was rather busy, fortunately we had a tail wind and could maintain an average of about 30 k’s which is very good for us. In Fontainebleau we got the map we were looking for and then did our tour of the town to admire the royal chateau amongst all sorts of other old buildings.

As you can see, quite threatening clouds behind it and of course just at lunchtime it started to rain but no problem, we invaded the chateau and had lunch on one of the benches in the passageway.

After lunch we continued our route northwards and crossed the Seine a lot higher upstream then we had done a month ago in Le Havre but a lot less problematic, at least this bridge allowed cyclists

When we rode through a small village Ellie spotted a Cocci which is a small supermarket, good stop to get supplies and something told me to ask the shopkeeper to phone the camping only to find out that they didn’t take tents. So out came the netbook to look for other campings and fortunately there was one on a farm another 25 km on. We opted for the solitude of the lower camp by a small stream and enjoyed the sounds of the cows, horses, donkey, fowls, geese, cuckoo and all sorts of other noisemakers around us (not to mention the beer!) Don’t you love the rustic table, one hectic chunk of wood.