Tuesday, 11 May 2010
The weather dawns still a bit cloudy, the tent is covered with leaves of our protector tree and soon we are on our way. Today is a nature day and we take the little farmroads and byways including this one down a wooded valley.

At the bottom a little track turns off into the woods with a sign VTT22. Silly me thinks this is a bicycle route and we follow it. It takes us to an idyllic spot with a waterfall and an old mill.

Just the kind of place I would like to fix up.

We carry on with the track which gets rather rough and steep, only later do I realise that VTT stands for Velo Tout Terrain, in other words mountain bikes. We manage nevertheless and soon are on our way to Cap Frehel after consulting the map.

There is now quite a bit of wind and we struggle to get to the tip of the peninsula and return quite a bit faster. This was our reward:

We find ourselves a lovely camping right next to a pebbly beach and first have sundowners on the rocks:

In the evening we get invited by our neighbors, a retired couple from the center of France and they give us lots of advice where to go and what to do in Brittany and we have a great time making ourselves understood. He would quite happily have emptied his stock of booze with us but I resist the temptation and leave it at one great tasting whiskey.
This morning one last look at the small island in the bay with its little chapel and on the road again to St Brieuc