Wednesday, 12 May, 2010
Bitterly cold on the way, pity really because the views were stunning, especially looking back along the coast to where we had come from. I was none too happy with the Frenchies because I don’t think they have ever heard of contouring, when they see a hill it is straight up and over. Also, most of the villages have started off as fishing harbours so they are always low down with a ridge between them. For the SA people, imagine going from the Van Stadens reserve down the pass to and up to Thornhill and do that about ten times in a row.
Still, we saw some more beautiful buildings, beaches and coastlines:

The only major town on our way was St Brieux so a good place to find another MacDonalds and check on some email and comments. After asking numerous Frenchies where the place was we eventually found it and I dutifully wrote the previous two days entries while Ellie ogled all the cute guys who came to get their lunchtime hamburger fix only to be told “sorry sir, server down” Grrr. By the way in the evening when I checked my gps track they had sent us along the most circuitous route you can imagine. Ellie “quickly” popped into an enormous Carrefour to stock up for the next two days because tomorrow is ascension day.
Anyway, now to find our way out of town, up a steep hill again and then up the coast to find ourselves a camping, through rustic villages, houses with beautiful gardens and fields of grain. We found one with a very jacked up owner who let me charge my batteries and netbook and also gave me the good news he actually had wifi so I could post my blogs after all and we could order fresh bread for the morning.
distance 67 km
supper: paprika disguised chicken, noodles, carrot salad