It had to happen, today our first shitty day. We got up early because we wanted to get to Fecamp and that was 65 km of hilly terrain away from us. Perhaps it would have been better if they hadn’t shown the profile on the map, then we wouldn’t have known what we were in for.
Bitterly cold and the strong wind straight in out faces, not far and I had my first fall of the trip (I was stationary at the time which added insult to injury). In my shock I snapped at Ellie when she tried to help lift the bike only to twist my leg in the process. You can guess what that did to our spirits.
Nevertheless we persevered and were rewarded with some lovely towns and scenery.

We arrived in Fecamp at about 3 and made our usual beeline to the tourist office for some info and they gave us directions to the campsite with an absolutely stunning location so all is well that ends well. And tomorrow is rest day!