Thursday, 29 April 2010
Funny name this for a post, it is a little dorp along the coast but it is paradise. I picked up a mention of a cycle route from Treport to Le Havre in one of the brochures and first thing we did was off to the excellent information office for a bit more detail. I explained in my best french what I wanted only to be answered in Dutch! Anyway, she was most helpful and we got all the information we needed. The exit from Treport was steeeep but the views of the white cliffs and across town were a just reward.

The cycling route is quite well signposted so it was easy to follow and it takes you past all sorts of interesting places, a nice change from cycling along the D940. Soon we were in Dieppe, a grimy port, even though a lot of history there and we battled a bit to pick up the trail again on the other side of town.
We decided to take a closer look at the cliffs and look what I found, I wonder what story this little item could tell π

A little further we decided to try out the beach but found the grains of sand rather course. Ellie thinks sheβs the real French madam here.

Eventually we ended up at the tiny seaside town of Quiberville, quite late and without food and fuel. Lucky there was a shop open with a lovely lady and she did a roaring trade with us, bierre, vin, viande, legumes etc. The camping was a rather bleak affair and just when I was in the shower we had a huge downpour, nothing in the tent wet thank goodness and the same with a few showers during the night.