Saturday, May 1, 2010
Our first rest day didn’t turn out to be that restful after all but rather a busy day. Another cool day in Normandy made us long for the previous evening when we had warm views like this:

notice our little abode at the bottom of the steps, fortunately not too much interference from the many dutch campers here.
First thing we did is to leave one pannier with our precious stuff in the office and then a beeline to McDonalds to check mail and update blog. Quite nice to find a plug as well so I could recharge the battery. Then off to see the sights, it was market morning so we had a stroll past the many stalls, something I usually hate but this time not too bad. We were worried that shops might be closed on the first of May, fortunately we found a supermarket where we could get supplies.

Fecamp got some nice historical buildings and we did our best to see most of them. They were not open though on this day and besides, judging from the entrance prices, quite tourist trappy.
I liked this detail:

All this sightseeing made us quite hungry so we went for a budget-friendly packet of chips at the waterfront (still 3 Euro’s) and headed back to camp because Ellie desperately wanted to do some washing, she thinks cycling shirts with the accumulated sweat of a week are disgusting. After we worked out that you couldn’t put coins into the machine but needed special tokens we got going, one load of dark and one load of white got done and off I went to get a token for the dryer. ‘Sorry sir, the dryer she is not working, will be fixed next week’ was the response. So there we were with two loads of wet washing strewn over the fence, luckily most of it quick drying so all ended well.