Red hill hike
Brian and Frieda had a hike planned for us today. Frieda still has some problems doing strenuous walks so we did a fairly easy walk across the vlakte above Simonstown in the area known as Redhill.

View of the naval base Simonstown from the road winding up behind the town.

The trail takes you through low fynbos on very poor soil. We were a little early for the spring flowers to be out, nevertheless we saw some very pretty ones.

Mimesis and babiaantjes.

A bit further along the trail there are some typical weirdly shaped rock formations.

Brian couldn’t help himself and took us up Grootkop and again we were rewarded wth some great views.

The rest of the walk took us past Kleinplaas dam (out of bounds) with some P.cuculatum amongst the Leucospermums.

On the way back home we saw the cold front moving in, doesn’t look good for the next few days.