Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Getting quite pro at taking these trams. Back to station and off to Interlaken, first through fairly uninteresting scenery and, just when it started to get interesting, a Swiss lady next to us started chatting to us in Dutch. Turned out she had been married to a Hollander for 40 years and she enjoyed it so much to be able to talk Dutch again we just had to give her some attention with one eye on the mountains in the background.

After a stretch along a lake we stopped at Interlaken West and after some hesitation got out, just as well as it turned out to be quite close to our camping. It was again very hot but we shouldered our load and walked the final couple of kilometers to camp with the views getting better and better.

Then the usual booking in and stuff, got quite a nice grassy patch close to all the amenities, somewhat spoilt later on by a family with very noisy small kids, thankfully they only stayed for one night.

Looked through lots of tourist info and made some plans for next days.