Thursday 03 June, 2010
Made good use of our possession of the campsite to charge all batteries and also had a great sleep with no neighbourly noises. The weather dawned absolutely beautiful, no cloud in sight for a change, yet still nice and cool when we set off along a very tranquil part of the river. At our midmorning stop Ellie took great delight in photographing frogs and bugs and plants along the river.

The next stop was Tours, a city we liked very much, there was a vibrancy in the air, the people were smartly dresses and the buildings were exquisite and what was best that we didn’t have too much trouble finding our way about.

Out of town and back on the trail we though we would make our goal of the campsite at Ambroise quite easily, not knowing that they had led the trail up and down steep hills for the final ten kilometers, just to show us this church and that chateaux and that winery so by the time we got to camp we were quite exhausted. We were most surprised to see our companions of the previous night there as well but further we didn’t like the camping much with too many people and on top of it some poms as neighbours.