Ouch, that was not funny, the price you pay for staying low down, to get out of Lannion it was a long, steep uphill which seemed to never end, we had to rest halfway to catch our breath, after that it flattened out a bit a guess what we saw in a field next to the road, yep, our first real menhir

At the urging of my friend Ria we had decided to take the coastal road, you generally get rewarded with much better scenery but the price you pay is much more up and downs. We found the bookshop Ria had recommended in the middle of nowhere, unfortunately it was closed.

Then we headed inland a bit again to the city of Morlaix with its impressive Railway bridge

and its most impressive municipal gardens

The gps took us out of Morlaix in no time along the banks of a very muddy river as it was low tide on our way to Garantec as there was a “camping a la ferme” there, camping on the farm and we wanted to try that out.
We were most impressed, basically the same quality facilities as the big campings, just 25 places, a great view and personal attention by the farmer. He grows 36 different kinds of veggies and between his english and our french we had a conversation second to none.