Monday, 13 September 2010
Woke up to thick mist, fortunately not in a hurry so could enjoy the hut and its surroundings a bit more, including this statue of a milkmaid.

Once the mist had lifted a little we set off and once we found ourselves on the LF5 again cycled through a very nice forest, the stuff stories of dwarves and elves are made of.

Not much later we picked up the towpath along a canal, such smooth riding on a windless day, what a pleasure.
The LF5 takes you along the border at one stage, the wilderness is Belgium, the nicely cultivated land is Holland.

This border post looks a bit worse for wear, a good bicycle stand nonetheless.

After 76 kilometres of easy riding we got to our destination, another lovely hut in the middle of the Baalse Hei, a nature reserve.