Sunday, 12 September 2010
Not much to say about today except that it rained almost non-stop. Just as well that the route that we had to follow wasn’t all that scenic, basically follow the shortest gps-route between hut 116 and 206 from village to village. Exactly 100km of ribbon development and just as well that we had done our shopping yesterday as on Sunday there was hardly a shop open along the route except this seedy ‘nacht winkel’ or all night shop where I bought an overpriced bottle of wine.

Nearby Ellie spotted this cute statue on a roundabout, impossible to photograph properly but at least here’s a detail:

At last we arrived at our destination where a very uninterested youngster was doing the afternoon shift in the office who couldn’t even find the key and had to call someone to find it but at last we could have a hot shower and a very clean and warm hut.