Saturday 15 May, 2010
The camping may have been noisy and big but the setting is very nice, right on the pink granite coast. There are some walks there so we decided to take a chance, take our valuables with and leave the rest in the tent. So far we have actually felt very safe and secure but the SA anxiety remains. The walk was very nice, very easy in fact with great views of the rocky coast, sorry if I start sounding repetitive.

After the walk we packed up and went for a menhir hunt in a small village Trebeurden as Elly had read about these things in a tourist brochure. We cycled all over the place, very hilly I might add, and found one measly one of which I am not sure if it actually was one. I’ll have to check my Asterix sources. We did find a house though built with these pink granite rocks, they have some amazing stone work here.

From there it was a beeline for Lannion, the place we had decided to have our rest day and we were lucky, the Two Rives camping was just the place we needed, we basically had the place to ourselves so we settled in for the weekend.