To our horror Ellie discovered last night that the melted butter in her frying pan was running to one side. Verdict: new kitchen top not level. Of course we pointed this out to Vernon this morning and all hell broke lose, the installer of the granite was called and accusations, threats and shouting ensued with the end result that the installer was given the boot but, more importantly for us, a delay of another week!

The offending hob, temporarily levelled by me, note the huge gap in the bottom left corner.
In spite of all this we still managed to accomplish a few things, sleep late (!) (well, till 7), sand and paint by front door, hack of wall tiles in kitchen, move and connect oven, started the ball rolling for prepaid electricity and got information about dstv/pvr (it looks like we will cancel while gone). No cycling today, rest day.
Hmm, I thought blog would just work but getting plenty of issues, no comments, cannot access admin, the joys of WordPress and php.
Now Ang has arrived so chill for the rest of the evening.