Quite a day, first of all we only got to bed close to midnight after a very good show by Robin Auld at the Uptown theatre and then watch the tail end of Arsenal beating Liverpool so to get up at six for our cycle run was a bit hard. In fact, looking at the drizzle outside it was extremely tempting to snooze on. The cool conditions made a welcome change from the last few days and it was thoroughly enjoyable except for the murderous traffic on the corner of Circular Drive.
I then decided to carry on with the kitchen plumbing but no sooner had I started or Vincent with brother and helper arrived in force with the truck loaded with cupboard doors and they got stuck in to install this lot.

I would obviously be in their way so I rather carried on with scraping and sanding the wall by the front door before running out to Roy to attend to some financial matters only to discover they have moved offices.
Back home did some skimming to smooth out the wall so tomorrow we can put the first coat on, finished just in time for our next visitor to discuss the letting of the house while we are gone and what still needs to be done, lots!
In the meantime the crew finished for the day and we are very happy with the result, we even were promised that they will finish tomorrow, hmm, we’ll see.

So far so good, just the tiles spoil it so they will be hacked away at first opportunity.
Now we really should go to the mountain club to listen to some guy who cycled in Patagonia but I think we rather have an early night so we can face tomorrow.