Thursday, 06 May 2010, day 13
It may have been day 13 but there was nothing unlucky about today, what a beautiful day for cycling.
We stuck our heads out of the tent this morning and were greeted by 3 ducks only a few meters away, they were none too amused when I quacked at them and flew away. I made myself some scrambled eggs for breakfast while Ellie had a piece of bread and butter because last night’s supper had been a little too much of a good thing.
After the usual cleanup we made a beeline for McD, we were the first customers, pity I had buried the powerlead at the bottom of a pannier or else I could have charged the netbook there and then.
From the comments it seems that I had laid it on a bit thick a few days ago, really, it wasn’t that bad. When you go for an adventure like this you have to take the rough with the smooth and make the most of the circumstances. Trouble is, I usually do this blogging just after supper (good excuse to cop out on washing dishes) and then the tiredness of the day does not make for the sunniest perspective.
After internetting we started on our trek across the piece of Normandy that sticks out to the west with Cherbourg at its tip. We rather opted to go straight to Brittany and it seems to have been a good choice. I could wax lyrical and quote songs of Dylan, Brel and Van Morrison about the wind in the back but the last three days we have had the advantage of a wind from the northwest. The scenery was lovely, low, undulating hills with lots of greenery, woods interspersed with farms, does not look the most fertile region though. It was good to hit the coast again though, a very interesting stretch reminding us of the Land van Saeftinge in Holland we visited a mere few weeks ago.
On the way me met a cyclist coming from the other side who suddenly sat up straight and gave Ellie an ovation, that sure brought a smile to our faces.
Got to our destination about five, bought supplies at a small supermarket where the cashier wanted to know all about our trip, so there I was trying to explain with hands and feet what we all had done. Supper: steak, green beans and potato, dessert: wine, distance 71 km