Wednesday, September 08, 2010
It is with a little trepidation that we set off on our last cycle tour of our current holiday as the weather report does not look very promising. Maybe we are getting soft or maybe a little sensible as we have booked a series of trekkerhuts for our week-long exploration of Vlaanderen, the Dutch speaking half of Belgium.
Today was a good example as, even though we set off quite late because the radar view on the weather report showed no showers after lunch, we cycled in continuous rain for the first time of our trip. Miraculously it stopped as soon as we crossed the border and we could dry a little on the hoof so to speak. Still, it was not really conducive to sightseeing so we got to De Valk in Laarne quite swiftly at 14:30 and just as well as not soon after the heavens opened and we enjoyed the heavy downpour from the snugness of our ‘home’

No, the scrambler is not included unfortunately, still, a very comfortable way of roughing it with a stove, heater and electric lights and, most importantly, soft mattresses. Tonight we have the place to ourselves but tomorrow there will be fifty kids in the youth hostel, thank goodness a good distance away from the hut.
Today\\\’s trip was only about 55km, here is the route:

The camp is a stone’s throw away from Gent which, weather permitting, we will explore tomorrow.