We thought it might be a good idea to do some mountainbiking this weekend so, like the good guys we are, we got a permit yesterday and loaded bikes into the car this morning and off we went, parked just on the other side of the Van Stadens river and chose to go up the little squiggly track hugging the mountains. Boy, it took some getting used to the bumps and the loose gravel. Unfortunately Ellie didn’t feel too great so another good reason to keep the pace slow. Still, it was gratifying to see that we took the uphills quite a lot easier than six months ago. We tried to avoid the main road through the forest even though it seemed like we had the entire plantation to ourselves and on the way back followed another seldom-used track on the other side of the valley.
On rounding a corner we has some excitement as we surprised a troop of baboons who got as much of a fright than we got and scampered off into the trees (the baboons that was), I should have taken a pic but took this creature instead

22 km’s later we were back at the car and sorry we hadn’t thought of bringing coffee so we had some snacks beside the stream instead.
This afternoon we took the fishtank to the neighbours so the house is getting emptier and emptier which is the whole idea. Of course I had to mission with software again as my video camera no longer talks to my pc because of service pack2, grrr.