Monday, 14 June, 2010
Boo hoo, our final day in France, we took our time packing up and only started going at about 11 o’clock. We didn’t have that far to go but of course it wasn’t quite as easy as we had expected with some nasty ups and downs. Still, the villages were quite interesting and, as we were admiring one of the fortified churches, the priest beckoned us in so we had no choice but to admire the inside as well.

The stained glass windows in these churches and cathedrals are often very beautiful.

Another hill, another descent and we crossed the river L’Oise, the valley praised for its scenic beauty in the folders but never quite lived up to its reputation. I don’t know if it was a road, train or aquaduct bridge.

Another climb and then it was the long, undulating road to the border, the biggest non-event of the trip. Can you spot me?

Just before we arrived in Chimay it started to drizzle and we made a beeline for the campsite and the lady in charge got my award for the most unfriendliest campsite minder ever, it may say ‘accueil’ but ‘welcome’ it sure wasn’t. As in most camps we could select our own site though and we found a lovely dry one under a clump of trees.
Ellie very kindly offered to pitch tent etc. and sent me off to town to find a sports bar to watch the final twenty minutes of the Holland-Denmark game. Of course I gladly accepted this enticing offer.