A lot of water has gone under the bridge since the last post, it takes a lot of discipline to update a blog daily and very easy to put off when there are more relaxing activities, or should I say non-activities, to take care of.
First my birthday last Monday, it was more like a birth-weekend with Nick springing a surprise visit on us on Saturday. All schemed behind my back, of course with Ellie in cahoots, and Angelique to pick him up from the airport on her way from Grahamstown. It nearly all went awry when the plane had to turn back with a depressurisation problem and Nick had a very scenic low altitude flight back from Mosselbay to Cape Town.
Needless to say we had a very pleasant weekend, at my request low key, although I had many wishes via Facebook, no doubt because I had changed my profile pic: It pays to advertise 🙂

Saturday evening I got treated to a dose of much needed culture, Othello at St Georges Park, combined with a picnic. It was not very well attended and the sound system had a terrible hum, I felt a bit sorry for the Shakespearean Society because the actors were really trying hard.

More eating on Sunday night as unfortunately Angelique had to work on Monday so we went to the Keg and, as you can see, enjoyed our sizable portions:

On Monday it was the big day, but, instead of taking it easy and relaxing at home we went to the Kragga Kamma game park, for some reason never visited and we were pleasantly surprised by the spaciousness and the variety of animals. Of course, more eating and lunch was enjoyed in the restaurant.

Now for the final eating spree of the weekend, first Nick produced a great bottle of wine from his secret stash and Ellie tried her hand at preparing lobster for the first time in her life. With the help of some internet research how long to boil etc. and also how to get at that delicious meat: Lookin’ good doesn’t it?

Further the week that was, more training, more cleaning up, more fixing things, in between still doing some creative woodwork and then Friday on our way to Grahamstown with the final load of things to take to Angelique.
It was a very productive weekend, fitting the bathroom cupboard I made from the old kitchen doors, fixing shower door wheelies and soapdish, hanging wardrobe mirror, connecting and tuning tv and countless other things, very rewarding not in the least to see the car at long last parked in the garage which had up to now been too full with boxes. Ellie got stuck into gardening, how she managed in the heat is beyond me but she seemed to enjoy it.

This morning we sat down and updated our Outlook task list with things to do before the great departure and it looks manageable
. How to eat an elephant….one bite at the time.