So much to do, so little time… Thought to give the tiling a good go today but it was one of those days that the more effort you put in the less result you get. Ellie started grouting the tiles I did yesterday only to find that the grout Mohammed at the tile place had recommended looked awful so off to Builders to find some more suitable grout. After measuring and cutting around plugs and windows I eventually got going behind the sink and finished just in time to go for a haircut. After that I still wanted to cut tiles for the lower border which I did only to discover that in my dog-tiredness I had forgotten to allow the 6mm for the spacing on top and bottom so I’ll have to grind 6mm off 40 tiles tomorrow, such fun.
At least Ellie can prepare supper in comfort now:

Oh yes, and we still managed to do 16km this morning, not far but lots of steep hill work around Lovemore Heights