Friday, May 21, 2010
Funny name that, presque ile or “almost island”, I suppose one can call a peninsula that. We were advised by the lovely lady at the Brest tourist office to spend some quality time here as it is beautiful and she was right. She wasn’t so right about it being “plat” or flat because the run in to the place is anything but, especially around the new bridge and I must admit that the search for a new fuel bottle, the terrible service at the tourist office and the search for a camping was not a good end to the day.
Hurray, the weather seems to have turned, no legwarmers or jackets today, short sleeves instead, a nice change and the roles are reversed now, Ellie enjoying hr cool sleeping bag while I boil in mine.
Early in the morning we went in search of an abbey and found some very nice old buildings and graveyards.

They really go overboard here with their gravestones etc. although I must admit they look after them well, a bit crowded though, elbow to elbow.
At a nice bridge it was time for a rest and an apple and a check on the map. A middle aged french couple (I guess around our age lol) joined us and started asking us questions in the inimitable exited french way, very nice, and the long and short of it was that they gave us lots of advice on the rest of our trip, it seems that we will trek up the Loire vally up to Orleans and then head to Fontaineblue and from there somehow to Belgium. That’s in the future though, we first have a sizeable chunck of Brittany to contend with.
From a river crossing it is always up and up till the next river crossing, oh allright, there is a little bit of down before the next bridge. They are busy building a new one, very impressive cantilever construction, sorry I don’t have a better pic.

Then on to our destination of Crozon, at least the last 15 kms were flattish before all our hassles started. At least now I know why you shouldn’t fill a fuel bottle to the brim, the top blows off in the hot sun.
In desperation we picked the closest camping, two star and it showed, a crummy disorganized dump, in fact we were so ill pleased that we left without paying and used the money today to buy beer in an Irish pub, shame on us!