Today the kitchen was finished, of course now the tile-less walls stand out accusingly and it will not really look finished until that is done. I got up early to install the piping for the drains on the sink because I wanted to finish that before they arrived. Ha ha, I never learn, I was finished at eight and they arrived at eleven! Never mind though, I got stuck into cleaning up in the workshop and preparing stuff to go to storage. I decided to put all useable wood and offcuts in the small cellar and seal it off for the duration, long planks go into the attic.
Ellie made sure Vincent was aware of all the things she was not happy with and he did his best to make her complaints go away. By three o’clock they were finished and this is the result:

We quickly popped out to bring four more boxes and some loose stuff to storage, apparently someone cooked the books there and ran off with quite a bit of money, fortunately I can prove that I have paid every month and on return quickly installed the cold water tap so we have water again in the kitchen.
It is quite unreal to think that we will only have a few weeks to enjoy the new kitchen before we are on our way, the advert to let the house is in the paper today and there has been quite a bit of interest, thank goodness Ellie is fielding those calls.
Time for the wind to drop, light the fire and crack a beer…