Sunday, 25 April, 2010
After a sumptuous breakfast of scrambled eggs mixed with left over stir fry we were on our way again. It was only 10km or so as the crow flies to the border, yet we had a bit of trouble finding our way as the signs ran out. Luckily there were plenty of helpful people about to give us directions, amazing when you look helpless and they see your panniers and you ask them in your best French they are only too willing to assist.

It was a sign of things to come though because the whole day we were not quite sure of our whereabouts, especially in Dunkurque we seemed to go around in circles until I had enough of it, fired up the netbook and put a route out into the gps.

From there it got better direction wise but not weatherwise, we had quite a strong wind straight into our faces and even a bit of rain.
As we were having lunch along the way in the lee of a substation a chap in a reclining bicycle stopped to say hello and we had a nice chat. Turns out he also started out on the first if April, will also cycle for six months, the difference being that he does it on his own and will cycle from the south west of France to the Nordkap in Norway. Hats off to him, have a look at
When at 16:00 I saw a nice camping we called it a day and settled in.